Write it like this: Setshield blahblahblah #i. You will need to buy furniture (like boxes) to write your codes. It's a little complicated to do, so let me explain it for you: 1. I'm sure you already did one or you want to do one.
Graal Classic Codes For all your graal code needs! RSS. Graal Classic Background & Status Codes (100+) Written By K4Y. Graal Classic GFX Game Quizzes Community Select Page. A tag is the Command of the item Status Codes - The Graalians statu A basic HTML code has to have a beginning and end, in which you must have a tag. HTML is a coding language and is one of the first and most basic. Home Tips Codes Code Pics WANTED Passwords Glitches Staff Fans Chat Donations The _ means fill in the blank Status Codes can be used in Guild news as well classiciphone_status_redfish.png classiciphone_furniture_christmastree.png classiciphone_chatbubble.gi Graal status codes are just simple HTML codes.
Note: For guilds that have two or more words in their name, use %032 to represent a space.Home Graal Classic status codes Status Codes - Graal Natio Note: For images (not backgrounds) you can change the size using height=number width=number before ending the code. A lot of Graalians have status code images in their code shops.) (You can change the image for a different background.
(To make the background more opaque, deleted letters of the word centered) To do this, you must use a number for the color. Note: You can also change the opacity of your background. (You can use any color, to get the number code please visit this website) So, if your text is bold, type to make it normal again.
( Please note: If you do not have the GraalClassic+ app or have not purchased the Character Customization from the app store, then you cannot change your status.)Įditing your status is as simple as using basic HTML coding, which most of us know how to do, even if we don’t realize it. After all, that is what everyone sees as soon as they click on your character. One of the easiest was to customize your Graal image is with your status.